I heard this garbage for 25 years; I never missed one of those assemblies. The only difference was that there was no internet when I was in the org. But they talked about TV, books, movies, and all the things that they didn't want anyone to do. Now, as I sit here and write this, I am wondering how they knew all about the things that they didn't want us to see or hear. Did they go to those movies, or did they watch those TV sitcoms, worst of all, did they read those books that they did not want us to read? On the internet, there are so many groups that discuss things, and I have seen some of the jw listservs, and they talk about things that happen at the meeting, and at the assembly, and then they espouse things like homosexuality, using graphic terminology and the whole bit. I am prone to think that they are so deprived that they have to do these things. It's like when a person has a craving for donuts; as soon as he sees them, he has to eat one. I remember my son when he was 16, just before he got kicked out of the org; he had been told not to smoke, not to drink beer, and above all not to fool around with girls. Guess what? He met a sister whose mom told me that she was doing really well, and pioneering and everything, and on the sly she was trying to convince my son that she was pregnant and it was his child, so he would marry her. My son did not fall for it, but he tol d me about it two years later. So the point I'm making is that these teenagers who are curtailed by the Society figure out some way to get where they want to go, and the Society reallly has no control over it, no matter what they say at these assemblies.
Notice the first three letters of the word ASSEMBLY